Below there is the list of courses I taught through years in different Universities. For each course there is short description and explanation of my role. In most cases there are also my notes attached. For some of courses you can also find an extraction from the student evaluations (mostly in Swedish). If needed full evaluations can be send upon the request. My current teaching statement can be found here.
Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians (13M071)
Teaching Assistant
The course is an obligatory course for the students of Math Department at the University of Geneva. The head teacher is Prof. Alba Grassi. The course takes more axiomatic approach to Quantum Mechanics consisting of more formal approach with the heavier use of linear algebra and functional analysis then the standard physics QM course and has less physics content. In 2023 I taught part of the problem solving sessions (12 hours out of total 20 hours) mostly on the infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Part of the session time was devoted to the review of more physical concepts of QM (black body radiation, photoeffect, paradoxes of QM etc.) missing in the lectures. This reviews were prepared by me from the scratch in the form of lecture material. Also my duty was to grade weekly homeworks for the course.
Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians (13M071)
Teaching Assistant
The course is an obligatory course for the students of Math Department at the University of Geneva. The head teacher is Prof. Alba Grassi. The course takes more axiomatic approach to Quantum Mechanics consisting of more formal approach with the heavier use of linear algebra and functional analysis then the standard physics QM course and has less physics content. I taught part of the problem solving sessions (15 hours out of total 24 hours) mostly on the finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Part of the session time was devoted to the review of more physical concepts of QM (black body radiation, photoeffect, paradoxes of QM etc.) missing in the lectures. This reviews were prepared by me from the scratch in the form of lecture material. Also my duty was to grade weekly homeworks for the course.
Analysis I (11M020) and Algebra I (11M010)
Teaching Assistant
This is a standard basic course in Analysis and Algebra for first-year math students. My duty in this course was teaching so-called practical work sessions (42 hours). In Geneva University for these basic courses math students are split into groups of 3-4. My goal was to give them problems to solve in front of me, help and guide them through the solutions and control that students understand new material in the course. During these classes I guided three such groups in separate times.
Analysis II: Real Analysis (12M025)
Teaching Assistant
The course is taught for the second-year math students. It includes vector analysis, analysis on manifolds, differential forms and their use in physics and ordinary differential equations. The head teacher of the course was Dr. Andrey Bytsko. My duty was teaching standard problem solving sessions (28 hours), i.e. demonstrating students solutions to various problems in the course. Another duty was to grade weekly homeworks as well as intermediate and final exams.
Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
Head Teacher
This is the standard graduate-level introductory course in CFT based on the book by Di Francesco The course was taught by Prof. Sara Pasquetti and me. It contained 6 lectures (12 academic hours). I taught first three lectures covering conformal algebra, trace anomalies and correlators in CFT. The exam was in the form of the student presentations on the topics chosen from the list proposed by me and Prof. Pasquetti.
Symmetry in Physics (1FA158)
Head Teacher
This master level course was designed from scratch and taught by me. The course was focused on gauge theories and in particular on their non-perturbative aspects. It consisted of 15 lectures (30 academic hours). For this course I wrote my own notes using “Aspects of Symmetry” by S.Coleman, “Classical theory of gauge fields” by V.Rubakov and Preskill’s “Lecture notes on QFT“. There was no exam and grades were based on several sets of homeworks. Also based on the material of the course I proposed to students a number of small projects for extra points. One of the students, John Paton, completed one of these projects ”On the large-N limit of gauge theories“.
Quantum Physics (1FA521)
Teaching Assistant
This is the standard undergraduate Quantum Mechanics course taught at Uppsala University. The course was based on notes and problems written specifically for it. I assisted Prof. Joseph Minahan who was the main teacher in the course. I taught 18 tutorials (36 academic hours). I have also organized 4 additional collective problem solving sessions which are described in more details in my teaching statement. Finally I also took part in designing and graded homeworks and exams for the course.
Special Relativity (1FA156)
Teaching Assistant
This course appeared after “Special Relativity and Analytical Mechanics“ was split into two sepa- rate courses in 2014. This was standard Special Relativity course based on ”Introduction to Special Relativity“ book by W.Rindler. Course consisted of 10 lectures and 10 tutorials (20 academic hours each). The head teacher was Assoc.Prof. Lisa Freyhult. I taught tutorials for the course. Just as in ”Quantum Physics“ coursein 2014 I also incorporated 2 additional collective problem solving sessions into this course.
Quantum Physics (1FA521)
Teaching Assistant
This is the standard undergraduate Quantum Mechanics course taught at Uppsala University. The course was based on notes and problems written specifically for it. I assisted Prof. Joseph Minahan who was the main teacher in the course. I taught 18 tutorials (36 academic hours). I also took part in grading homeworks and exams for the course.
Special Relativity and Analytical Mechanic (1FA154)
Teaching Assistant
This is the master course that unites standard courses of Analytical Mechanics and Special Relativity. Analytical Mechanics part was based on the “Classical mechanics” by Goldstein et. al. and consisted of 10 lectures and 10 tutorials (20 academic hours each). The head teacher of this part was Prof. Ulf Lindstr¨om. Special Relativity part was based on the ‘‘Introduction to Special Relativity’’ by W.Rindler. The head teacher of this part was Antti Niemi. It also consisted of 10 lectures and 10 tutorials. I taught tutorials for both parts and participated in designing and grading exams.
Dynamical Systems and Chaos (1FA152)
Teaching Assistant
This master level course was covering wide range of topics in the subject of dynamical systems. We taught student to treat physical and biological systems described by linear and nonlinear ODEs, explained concept of chaos and it’s relation to fractals. The course was based on the book “Nonlinear dynamics and Chaos” by S.Strogatz. Course consisted of 15 lectures and 15 tutorials (30 academic hours each). Head teacher of the course was Prof. Antti Niemi while I was giving tutorial classes. In my tutorial classes I was additionally actively using Wolfram Mathematica to illustrate some of the dynamical system properties. I have also participated in designing and grading exams for the course.
Mathematical Methods in Physics (1FA121)
Teaching Assistant
The course is a standard undergraduate course covering theory of PDEs. It was based on the book “Applied partial differential equations ” by R.Haberman. The course consisted of 10 lectures and 10 tutorials (20 academic hours each). The head teacher was Prof. Maxim Zabzine. I taught tutorials and graded exams.
Special Relativity and Analytical Mechanic (1FA154)
Teaching Assistant
This is the master course that unites standard courses of Analytical Mechanics and Special Relativity. Analytical Mechanics part was based on the “Classical mechanics” by Goldstein et. al. and consisted of 10 lectures and 10 tutorials (20 academic hours each). The head teacher of this part was Prof. Ulf Lindstr¨om. Special Relativity part was based on the notes of Prof. Joseph Minahan who was the head teacher of this part. It also consisted of 10 lectures and 10 tutorials. I taught tutorials for both parts and participated in designing and grading exams.
Dynamical Systems and Chaos (1FA152)
Teaching Assistant
This master level course was covering wide range of topics in the subject of dynamical systems. We taught student to treat physical and biological systems described by linear and nonlinear ODEs, explained concept of chaos and it’s relation to fractals. The course was based on the book “Nonlinear dynamics and Chaos” by S.Strogatz. Course consisted of 15 lectures and 15 tutorials (30 academic hours each). Head teacher of the course was Prof. Antti Niemi while I was giving tutorial classes. In my tutorial classes I was additionally actively using Wolfram Mathematica to illustrate some of the dynamical system properties. I have also participated in designing and grading exams for the course.
Quantum Physics (1FA521)
Teaching Assistant
This is the standard undergraduate Quantum Mechanics course taught at Uppsala University. The course was based on notes and problems written specifically for it. I assisted Prof. Joseph Minahan who was teaching half of this course to the engineering physics students. I taught 10 tutorials (20 academic hours) to two groups of 20 students each. I also took part in grading exams for the course.